Sunday, October 26, 2014

From the 23rd Floor

Not that this is terribly noteworthy, suspicious suicides among the power elite are a dime a dozen, but it seems worth mentioning that this one was from the 23rd floor.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Business Partner Dies, Apparently in Suicide (jumped from 23rd floor)

Monday, October 13, 2014

23 and Dark Matter

Only 4.6% of the mass-energy of the universe is believed to be composed of actual matter.  Our best and brightest calculate that +/- 72% is dark energy.  And the remaining 23% is composed of dark matter, the latter being categories of which we know nothing.

That's the best we've guess we've got about the greatest mystery we've got.  Another 23.

23% Dark Matter.

then less interesting, but maybe still notable is that 4.6   or 2+2 . 3+3

and of course 72 = 23*3 + 3


Dark Matter, perhaps our greatest mystery... 23%